Road Note 39 is currently under review particularly regarding reducing the seasonality of some Racked-In Dressings to account for more colder/wetter winters expected in future.
The Code of Practice for Signing at Surface Dressing sites is also under review as it requires several updates since it was last published in 2008.
The Code of Practice ‘binders’ chapter is to be updated to ensure it remains up to date following publication of the Emulsions Standard BS EN 13808 in December.
A new guidance document is under development to cover the use of geosynthetics (SAMI’s) under Surface Dressings. This will enable Double dressings to be used on cracked roads that would previously have had to be resurfaced.
The Code of Practice is under revision particularly to address concerns where roads are submerged under water for prolonged periods.
The European Test Method Standards BS EN 12274 parts 1-8 are under 5 year review.
A new European Standard is to be published for Airfield Slurry Surfacing.
The BBA are conducting an in depth study into the service life of High Friction Surfacings and will publish their findings in due course.
A new RSTA video is under production to remind engineers why HFS is so important and unparalleled at reducing braking distances and saving lives.
HD32 has been updated for Re-texturing Concrete roads with significant input from RSTA members.
New guidance on the use of Grouted Macadams on highways is to be submitted to HMEP for inclusion in their Local Roads Maintenance Specification Guidance.
New guidance on service life for reinforced bituminous bound layers is under development aided by evidence from Nottingham University
A new Code of Practice is under development for using SAMI’s under Surface Dressing